Thursday, June 3, 2010

My Doll's House Ending

[Morning arrives and Helmer sets the final items of Nora's belongings in the living room. He paces back and forth eyeing each object shaking his head but no words come out. A knock is heard at the door but Helmer staves to open it. Mrs.Linde enters with a grimace face, disbelief of the results all because of her not taking back the letter.]

Mrs.Linde: I'm sor... [Cut off by Helmer]

Helmer: Don't be. I have nothing to say to her that will bring her back to me. I was an incompetent husband and wound up pushing away my family.[ A tear roles down his cheek]

Mrs.Linde: Everything will soon get better Helmer, just stay positive and give Nora some space. Nora is just over thinking too much right now and will realize maybe she is making the wrong decision.

[Mrs.Linde starts to bring Nora's items outside. After the room clears out she calls over Helmer]

Mrs.Linde: I want you guys to work things out, here is Nora's address and if you need further information to contact her I’ll let you know.

Helmer:[ Blunderly walks over to get the note and hands Mrs.Linde a note for Nora] She may not take it but this is a very important letter Nora must read.

[Mrs.Linde takes the note and exists the house and closes the door behind her]

[Mrs.Linde and Nora eventually meet up later]

Nora: I'm glad this is all ending but I feel very empty. I won’t lie to you, but a piece of my heart still stays with Helmer after all he did to me. My gut is telling me that I've been making the right choices but my heart tries to hold me back.

Mrs.Linde: [Handing over the note to Nora] He told me to give you this note, that it’s very important.

Nora: I don’t want to read it!

Mrs.Linde:[Forcing it back] You must Nora, I really think it may have something you need to see. Helmer had a very serious look when he told me you have to read it.

[Grabbing the letter, she slowly cuts a slit into it and pulls the paper out. Nora unfolds the paper and eyes the words and suddenly drops the paper capriciously. Nora storms off and Mrs.Linde chase after her.]

Nora: Oh no! This can’t happen. It must not!

[Nora arrives close to the house to hear a piercing sound shoot into the air. She stops and her body freezes. A few minutes pass and oncoming sirens are heading towards her house. She continues to the house and finally arrives to see police and ambulances outside. Pushing through the commotion around she finally enters her house to see Helmer dead on the floor holding a gun]

Police: Excuse me miss you cannot be here.

Nora: [trying to speak right but gasps to speak right] He is my husband... That man there on the floor is my husband. I left him and this is what happens.

[The body is picked up and brought into the car. The ambulance truck sirens echo the once silent sky and speeds off. Nora stands at the doorway watching the truck until it is nowhere in sight]

Nora: My husband is gone forever. I saved his life to in the end kill him and now i am completely alone. [Muttering to herself] I left him and now he has left me and I realize how must have felt. [She takes a long pause, and then sighs to herself.] Goodbye my love maybe I will see you one day in the afterlife. Maybe.


  1. Helmer commits suicide. I like it. :) But I never really liked him anyway.

  2. thank you [; & i dont like any of the characters. lolz
