Congratulations to version 2, being my favorite Hamlet version. Some people might agree with me that this is the best version, I mean common just the way the movie starts causes so much suspense with the sounds of a big bell slowly banging while at the same time a wolf howls towards the midnight's moon. In addition to the midnight setting, the first scene occurs during cold, snowy winter, bringing the mood to be very ominious, dark and dreary. Unlike the other verisons by Franco Zeffirelli and Mike Almereyda, the Ken Branagh version actually starts off how the play Hamlet does, "Who goes there?!" Also in the first scene the camera points downward creating more suspence the viewer needs to experiece the horror and feeling of "what is happening?"(DUN DUN DUN!!!).
Futhermore, into the version by Ken you really see how crazy Hamlet gets after all his experiences. His actions and how he is portrayed in this version is exactly how I pictured the play in my head. Hamlet is shown to be young, mouthy, and insane. The character playing hamlet in version 3, Mike Almereyda, is also young which I like because I don't picture Hamlet old like i version 1, Franco Zeffirelli, its just I dislike how Mike's version is modern using Shakespearean laanguage. It doesn't seem real to me and it doesn't make me think too much of Shakespears' play Hamlet.
As you can see, Hamlet in version 2 is the best! I doubt that another version can change my vote. This version has correct character choice, accurate setting, suspenseful music, alot of different moods and its similar to the play. I can really relate to the film closely to the play and it helps me understand what is going on. Do you agree or disagree and state why in comments below.